Our escapes.

With employees needs, workplace culture and company happiness at the forefront of our society. We have teamed up with top experts and the best venues around the world to provide life changing experiences for your employees.

Our unforgettable escapes are designed to bring unity amongst your team, increase communication and cohesion, as well as expand individual knowledge and confidence through our unique approach.

Through this process we are removing their everyday environment and stripping away workplace anxiety, or stress, to offer your employees a safe space to flourish.

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”

Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company

Develop your team with our retreats.


From 2 days / 2 workshops + 1 creative session

Welcome mental clarity and increase your employees happiness to unlock creativity, productivity, and allow a cascade of success throughout every spectrum of life.

Sculpting a journey towards gaining higher self esteem through specialist workshops, such as ‘Mental Wellbeing’, ‘Self Awareness’ and ‘Confidence Focused Yoga’, as well as creative activities, such as ‘ Art Therapy’, and lastly moving the body freely to help express themselves.


From 2 days / 1 workshop + 2 physical & adventure activities

Designed to nourish productivity and a strategic thought pattern, this escape will create a mental shift and transition towards a clearer and more productive mind.

Our activities are imperative on this journey to carve out your employees true authentic self. From daily yoga and mindfulness, to expansive hikes and trekking. With the abyss of nature, the raw beauty of mountains and pure mental strength to guide them through a night in the wild, your employees will adopt this same strength in the boardroom.


From 2 days / 2 workshop & team building sessions + 1 socially responsible activity

Allow you workforce to interact, connect and create lasting bonds and memories to boost your businesses unity. Benefitting from increased communication, team productivity and sociability.

Through team building activities, workshops such as ‘Creative Thinking’ and socially responsible days to volunteer with local charities, we are also building a huge sense of fulfilment amongst your employees.


From 2 days / 2 workshops + 1 physical or creative activity

Breakdown insufficiencies within your team from sleep, to nutrition, meditation and mental health to gain a specific outcome. This escape will guide your employees through an experience to create a positive working environment.

Each activity, from yoga and movement through to one-to-one sessions, wellbeing coaching and workshops, will strengthen your workforce, reduce anxiety and work closely to align with your company values.

Make it personal.

By creating a bespoke Wellbeing escape, we can ensure your team get exactly what they need.

Get in touch to see how your team can do more than survive.